Monday, November 30, 2009

TATA DoCoMo comes up with its innovation of Japan

DoCoMo is about to recreate history with its major innovation that stirred up the Japanese Market in the late 90's. This time around DoCoMo is coming up with the same technology but is using a differnet name. It was called the i-Mode in Japan and now it is called i-channel in India.
What is it?
TATA wants to capture even the data market using this service. With its earleir plans of per second billing it has already acquired a sizable amount of the cellular marke share. Now with Rs. 30/- per month rental you can use unlimited data on your handset.
This is something also tried by Aircel wherein they showcased a lot of data usage from their ads featuring Dhoni. But has Aircel been able to pick up from there. I doubt?
Comparing the same strategy to TATA, it would be successful reason being they(TATA DoCoMo) are going to use a better compressed technology that will help them use their spectrum effectively which is finally the raw material for them.
DoCoMo is getting some really tried and tested methods to enter in the indain market. And they are bound to be successful.
Regarding the rental that they are going the charge, Rs. 30/- month, it seems a very reasonable amount for unlimited data usage, people especially youth would be very keen on taking it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

FW: Volswagon innovation in advertising

Volswagan has come up with excellent billboard ad on mahim causeway, one of the most busiest roads in mumbai. This ad shows a big logo of volswagan. Just the logo is more than enough for such a big brand.
Something that was eye catching was that there is a small car that is moving on the lines of the logo. The moving car lets you look at the ad again and again.
Similar to the ad i had seen one ad of shahrukh khans ads where he is playing the violin and his legs are moving. Again a very eyecatching way to intice the people seeing the ad.
Volswagon not only does its billboard ad but had recently come up with its holistic marketing communication platform. This also included ads on multiple papers of The Times of India showcasing the various mind blowing features of Volswagon.