Do you face problems of network coverage at your home or at your office or the mall of the restaurant. And how often have you just neglected it or how often have you got so frustrated that you banged the phone.
Whats the problem, is it with the phone? or the infrastructure you are in? or the tower is too far.
What ever the cause of the problem may be, i have a solution.
Build a network inside the premises. i.e. a Cellular network that will take care of all your wireless needs inside your premises. Is'nt amazing!!!!!
Ya thats what i am dealing in now a days. IN BUILDING SOLUTION. I build you networks inside the premises so that there are no more dropped calls in your premises, quality of service increases and satisfied customer (employee, guest, visitor). This solution can be put in any infrastructure i.e. Hotels, Malls, commercial building and residential areas.
The infrastructure supports all the the current celluar technologies like GSM and CDMA and would would also support future upcoming technologies like WiMax and WiBro. i.e. all Wireless signal in the range of 0 to 4.5GHz can be supported in the same infrastructure. And whats truely more impresive is that we do it free of cost for you.
If are a victim of this wireless incapability call me at 9820661151 or write to me at and i will fix up the problem for you.
Very nice and useful information.if i have problem with the network i will definitely consider calling this number. thanks for sharing